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  • 通貨: Ruble (RUR)
  • De facto independent republic since 2008
  • 週末:土曜日と日曜日
  • これらの言語を翻訳する必要があれば:: ジョージアン (400万スピーカー), ロシア語 (1.65億スピーカー) ...
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  • 日付種類
    2024 4月 火曜日 9章セノネユ世俗的な休日
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    2024 5月 水曜日 1労働者の日世俗的な休日
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    2024 5月 金曜日 3正教会の聖金曜日正統派
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    2024 5月 土曜日 4銀行は14銀行は閉まっている
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    2024 5月 日曜日 5正教会のイースター正統派
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    2024 5月 月曜日 6正教会の復活祭の翌日正統派
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    2024 5月 木曜日 9勝利の日世俗的な休日
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    2024 5月 金曜日 10勝利の日世俗的な休日
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    2024 5月 日曜日 12セント・アンドリュース・デー世俗的な休日
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    2024 5月 日曜日 26独立記念日国家的記念日
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    2024 6月 土曜日 22Day of Remembrance and Mourning行事、お祝い...
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    2024 8月 水曜日 28聖母マリアの被昇天世俗的な休日
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    2024 4月 火曜日 9
    世俗的な休日 : Refers to the events in Tbilisi on April 9, 1989, when an anti-Soviet demonstration was dispersed by the Soviet army, resulting in 20 deaths and hundreds of injuries. The April 9 tragedy radicalised Georgian opposition to Soviet power. A few months later, a session of the Supreme Council of Georgian SSR, held on 17- 18 November, 1989, officially condemned the occupation and annexation of Democratic Republic of Georgia by Soviet Russia in 1921. On April 9, 1991, on the second anniversary of the tragedy, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia proclaimed Georgian sovereignty and independence from the Soviet Union.


    2024 5月 水曜日 1
    世俗的な休日 : 1886年5月1日土曜日 シカゴ: 労働者350000名が1日の労働時間を8時間にすることを要求しストライキをおこす。全産業は全国的に麻痺した。月曜日には、警察が発砲。 28日、シカゴで再びストライキ。爆弾を発射した上、警察は発砲を開始した。 12名の死者のうち7名は警察官であった。 1889年にパリで社会主義国際運動の会談が行なわれ、この日を 国際的な労働者の日 にすると宣言した 。ソ連はナチスに従って同じ決断を下した。フランスでは、ヴィシー政権( 1940-1944 )の下で、 労働者の日 と改称され祝われた。


    2024 5月 金曜日 3
    正統派 : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter (or Pascha) The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy. The Easter bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place: Midnight Office... After the service the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home. The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days. One egg is cracked on the wall of the church (and this is the first egg eaten The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of ローカル正統のコミュニティによってだけ観察されるよろしいです。 The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of


    2024 5月 土曜日 4
    銀行は閉まっている :


    2024 5月 日曜日 5
    正統派 : Paid holiday


    2024 5月 月曜日 6
    正統派 : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter(or Pascha).The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy.The Easter breads are a worldwide Orthodox tradition as well.This bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place


    2024 5月 木曜日 9
    世俗的な休日 : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a ¥¥¥ patriotic war¥¥¥ . In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn¥¥¥'t easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.


    2024 5月 金曜日 10
    世俗的な休日 : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a ¥¥¥ patriotic war¥¥¥ . In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn¥¥¥'t easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.


    2024 5月 日曜日 12
    世俗的な休日 : Saint Andrew , called in the Orthodox tradition Protocletos, or the First-called, is a Christian Apostle, brother of Saint Peter. According to Christian tradition, Andrew was born at Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee. He is considered in Georgia to be founder of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday Wikipedia


    2024 5月 日曜日 26
    世俗的な休日 : 1918年5月26日格吉国民会宣布独立和格吉民主共和国的建。格吉之后117年被沙俄帝国的一个省恢了建州。,在布什克思想,以“解放”孟什克的格吉。如今,格吉,一宣言是格吉葎独立。 Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Day of Remembrance and Mourning

    2024 6月 土曜日 22
    文化 : Anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1942


    2024 8月 水曜日 28
    世俗的な休日 :